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Monday 3 April 2017

Depression Cases Hit By 20 Per Cent !! Globally.

Depression Cases Hit By 20 Per Cent !! Globally.
Rise in depression cases has become an alarming concern across the globe, especially in the last decade or so, where we see umpteen young adults, college students and adults falling prey to the mental illness. Another startling report published by World Health Organisation (WHO) earlier this year, has taken the entire global mental health circuit by shock.

"These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to re-think their approach to mental health and to treat it with the urgency that it deserves," said WHO Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan.

Depression is a mental disorder where the person suffers from prolonged period of sadness, which disrupts not just their mood but daily activities as well. Patients find it even difficult to wake up and get out of bed in the morning. You can also notice visible changes in the person's behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being. We all feel low sometimes, but this negative state of being can trigger various other health problems, including suicidal tendencies. As we go about with our day, we often fail to realise that some of our silly habits can be putting us at risk of depression. After all, our lifestyle choices play a big role for our overall health, and sedentary lifestyle or unhealthy habits can lead to the onset of various ailments in the long run.
Here are some habits we need to stop -
1. Fast Food
When the hunger pangs kick in, some of us just lose control and go on a binge eating spree, savouring pizzas with extra cheese, king-size burgers and fries, sugar loaded beverages, etc. Binge eating doesn't just add extra kilos around your belly, but may put you at depression risk, says a study. Binge eating episodes lead to obesity which, in turn, causes depression owing to weight stigma, poor self-esteem and reduced mobility.
2. Stress
The hectic lives we lead today, stress is almost inevitable. But is comes with severe health consequences. Serotonin is a chemical compound in the body, which is popularly referred to as the happiness hormone. It plays a significant role in a person's mental and psychological well-being. Due to stress, the level of serotonin secretion could reduce, contributing to the development of depression.
3. Internet Addiction
According to a study done by McMaster University in Canada, excessive use of internet may significantly increase the risk of mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, especially among college-going students. The findings showed that individuals with internet addiction had more trouble dealing with their day-to-day activities, including life at home, at work/school and in social settings.
4. Lack of Exercise
The importance of physical activities for our well-being is not a new thing. A few minutes of walking, jogging or dancing and other activities can charge you up instantly, releasing those happy hormones. The more tied up we get with our work, giving into stress and letting go of exercise, we put ourselves at risk of various health issues, including mental diseases.


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