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Monday 22 June 2020

Singapore After Covid19 or Lock down Preparations.

The Southeast Asian economy has been badly hit as measures — both overseas and domestically — aimed at containing the spread of the virus halted much of global economic activity.

Singapore is also facing worst hit. The country is one the worst-hit in Asia by the corona virus outbreak, having reported more than 41,000 confirmed cases as of Thursday, according to its health ministry. Over 90% of those cases were detected among migrant workers living in dormitories, official data showed. Those workers are mostly men from other Asian countries working in low-wage jobs.

The country’s lifting of restrictions has come earlier than some expected, which could help limit the economic slowdown in Singapore, said Selena Ling, head of treasury research and strategy at Singaporean bank OCBC.

Businesses will need to adhere to a series of precautions before they can resume operations. They include implementing a system of safe-management measures, including appointing safe-management officers. They must also reduce physical interactions and ensure safe-distancing measures, such as allowing employees to work from home if possible and staggering work hours

International Travel after Pendemic.

International Travel after Pendemic, what will be the new roles and regulations, it's all speculation for all countries.

Pendemic has changed all of our worlds, and not just in the short-term. Outside of healthcare—where heroes dressed in gowns are battling on the front lines—few industries have been hit like travel. 

However, the scale of the problem cannot be ignored; entire nations have been ordered to stay at home, airlines have gone bankrupt, travel companies are laying off massive amounts of workers, and hotels are now hospitals. When things do start to return to “normal”, travel, especially international travel, will look very different. 

As businesses in Singapore begin to reopen, the government plans to step up its testing capability and capacity, officials have said. The government is seeking to bolster its testing capacity fivefold, from about 8,000 a day to as many as 40,000 tests daily by later this year. All of the more than 300,000 foreign workers in the country’s dormitories will be tested as well, Wong said

We have some indication about resuming international travel for all countries.

When will travel industry will recover ?

No one predict or Nobody knows but it's sure it will recover in phases, With primary focus like social distances, proper uses of sensitize for personal safety.

But speculation about opening of travel in October 2020.

 Airport Regulations

Immigration, checking system Will become longer and less friendly.

Travelers will find Flight attendant with mask and covered with protected shield.

Some experts says airlines might remove middle seats to avoid it's makes airleline tickets more expensive.

Traveler will review local medical services while traveling.More on all traveler will focus more on domestic travel.


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