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Friday 19 June 2020

Best in Australia

Fun fact

It would take around 27 years to visit a new Australian beach every day (there are over 10,000 of them).

Packing tip

Australian summers are very hot. Make sure you pack sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses.


17 Feb

Traveling to Northern America after covid 19 lockdown, change on the way.

Traveling has been disturbed by the covid19 and world and now recovering slowly. Traveler around the world looking for when will the world will free from lockdown.

COVID-19 cases appears to have leveled out in some countries, lockdowns in parts of Europe and elsewhere in the world (and even in several U.S. states) have begun to ease. Governments and individuals grapple with the details of what can and cannot be done, and questions about what constitutes the “new normal” persist, but businesses, parks, and beaches are slowly coming back to life.

One-third of Americans in our survey indicated they would start to travel within three months after travel restrictions are lifted. However, the lingering fear about the virus and the new routines developed during the shelter-in-place seem to lead to changes in travel patterns, at least for the short term.

American tourists are generally well-regarded in most places across Europe — seen as personable, good tippers. But Diego Chiaranda, a gondolier in Venice, said Americans might wind up paying a price for their country’s disastrous response to the pandemic.


YOU SHOULD NEVER DATE A GIRL WHO TRAVELS !! the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it onc...