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Saturday 19 September 2015


Travel Guide or Inspiration for me is THESE YOUNG LADIES 




Rachel's ,

Rachel Jones is an American who left a career in nursing to live on the beaches of Goa, India two years ago. Her award winning website Hippie In Heels gives advice on the other 24 countries she’s been to so far and has become the go-to site on India travel, focusing on off beat places & “glamorous travel”.


She Said about Whole world,

I have learned more traveling abroad than I did in school. I love learning history, and the tours in Europe were my some of my favorite times from all my travels. In India and Africa, I’ve learned so much about the way the world works and how self-centered it can be in America. I think travel has made me more patient and more understanding of the troubles other people face. I think everyone can benefit from travel. The world is a big beautiful place!



Solo traveler, who took a gap year to live and work in Korea and travel. & write for GRRRLTRAVELER, a solo travel blog and YouTube vlog focused on solo travel, travel survival tips and traveling in Asia, Southeast Asia and South Korea.

France was her first journey abroad;  visited a girlfriend from Hawaii, who was teaching English in a small village in the south of France. While it wasn’t her first solo trip, it was first time flying abroad alone. Many experienced solo travelers overlook that difficulty, but for many first timers, flying to another country alone is a big deal and terrifying if you’ve never done it before. Afterall, it’s your first time encountering language barriers, dealing with the confusion of immigration and airport signs look different.
Anyways,  had just broken up with my boyfriend and then my grandmother passed away, at the same time. she was an emotional mess.   But there’s nothing like Paris, the gorgeous French countryside and good-looking Frenchmen to soothe you. As an artist,  was a huge Francophile already, interested in the art, language and culture, so the high of living and traveling there for a month was very exciting to me. It injected me back into the adventure of life, the romance of travel and I was catapulted back into the world of the living!



Ashley, a 23-year old travel blogger, yogi and francophile. I blog over at about everything from living in France to backpacking solo in Southeast Asia.
and her website

how she started travelling ;

When she was 20 she spent the summer working as an au pair in France. her boss gave her a week off for vacation so , she hastily booked tickets to Ireland and England. When she landed in Dublin a girl working at the hostel told  she loved visiting Galway as a little girl so on a whim she booked a bus ticket there. There is truly nothing more freeing than solo travel!

Along with carrying a small can of pepper spray (which I’ve never had to use but gives me peace of mind), I just try to exercise the same caution abroad as I do at home: I don’t wear flashy clothes or jewelry, I avoid rough neighborhoods and I dress somewhat conservatively. I also am willing to pay more for my safety, such as taking a cab home late at night rather than walking.


Don’t pack too light- that was my mistake for years. I not only looked goofy in all of my photos, I also had to wash my clothes every three days and never knew what to wear. Packing too light is just as annoying as packing too much- trust me!
And also, this one applies to both men and women- use packing cubes. They make packing and repacking such a non-issue.



New York native on the move, documenting every highlight and heartbreak SHE wear many hats, but  consider HERself above all a writer, designer, and globetrotter.
she was nineteen when spent a solo summer in Southeast Asia volunteering at an animal clinic, learning how to scuba dive, and falling head over heels with the backpacking life. & often tell people her inspiration was the movie The Beach and they laugh because they think she is kidding, but she is  not – she too wanted to drink snake blood in the back streets of Bangkok and stumble upon a beach commune run by Tilda Swinton.



Introduce yourself! Who are you?
Ha, “who am I”, I ask myself that question every day. The answer is ever evolving. The easy answer is, my name is Camille, I’ve been living nomadically traveling the world for 3 years, I’m a full time travel blogger at This American Girl, a certified yoga teacher, a reiki practitioner, a beach bum, and apparently these days I’m also a snow bunny.
I was kinda thrown into the world of travel. I didn’t exactly plan it, but I believe the best things happen that way. I was laid off from two different jobs back to back (I worked as a project manager in Internet Marketing), and kept going in and out of a relationship that had long met its expiration date. Getting laid off showed me that something clearly was not working and I needed a new direction. I decided to pursue my passion at the time, Interior Design, so my plan was to go back to school and get my Master’s. My friend, blogger from, had just gotten a book deal with Random house to write her memoir, and told me she was going to Costa Rica to write the book for a few months. We ended up going together, and the rest is history. I got a taste of the travel life, and despite my mental struggle the first year, I knew there was no going back for me. At this point, my lifestyle isn’t even a choice. It’s a calling.

This list of Solo Traveler is my favorite,  i will update more ASAP,

1 comment:


YOU SHOULD NEVER DATE A GIRL WHO TRAVELS !! the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it onc...