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Saturday 25 March 2017

how to save your hair !! detail revealed !! Detailed Study !!

         How to save your hair !! detail revealed !!
Hair fall problem? Looking for a treatment that works without the side-effects of chemicals or medications? You should try these home remedies. According to hair experts, losing 50-100 strands of hair every day is fairly normal. It is only a cause of concern when you lose more than that. But you can stop hair fall in its tracks with these simple home remedies. Here’s how you can make them strong.
                       10 tricks that actually work to stop hair fall and get strong locks.

1. Get a water filter

Consider installing a water filter in your shower. This removes chlorine, heavy metals and certain bacteria that cause hair loss and breakage.

2. Do not wash hair often

Washing your hair helps to prevent hair loss, as it keeps your hair and scalp, and prevents the chances of infections that might cause hair loss. However, do not to wash your hair too often because shampoo can strip hair of its natural oils - aim for once a week at most. If your hair gets very greasy, use a dry shampoo instead.

If your hair is ready to be washed, this is a good time to do a hair treatment. Whether you use a serum, hair mask or natural oils, massage the treatment onto your scalp, and leave your hair in a bun for the entire day before washing it.

3. Change the way you wash your hair

When washing your hair, try to wash the scalp only and avoid washing the ends. When rinsing the shampoo out, the ends will get clean by themselves. This way you are preventing your hair from getting tangled, so you do not have to brush it as much.

4. Do not brush your hair often

Avoid brushing wet hair and rubbing it dry with a towel. Let it air dry, or blow dry it to the point of dampness and let it dry from there. Use a good hairbrush - the way you brush can have a big impact on its condition. Go for a soft brush made from natural fibers, and be gentle.

5. Do oil treatments regularly

Natural oils such as argan, coconut, macadamia and almond are rich in acids and vitamins that can help make dry, frizzy, unruly hair softer, shinier and more manageable. It also reduces breakage and speeds up hair growth. Heat up any natural oil so it is warm, but not too hot. Let it cool off for a bit, then massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo.

6. Eat high-protein food

Eating lean meats, fish, soy and other proteins may help reduce hair loss. Many foods rich in protein also contain vitamin B-12, which is great for your hair.

7. Take hair supplements 

If your protein and iron intake are not enough, supplements will give you a boost. Recommended supplements are Biotin, Viviscal and Omega-3 fish oil.

8. Stop using heat on your hair

Limit your use of hair dryers, straighteners and curl irons, since heat weakens hair proteins. Constant heating and drying can lead to brittleness and fragility that can cause hair loss. Dry it naturally more often than with heat.

9. Stop coloring your hair

Coloring your hair, especially bleaching, makes it harder to stop hair falling out. Bleaching removes the natural pigment because of its chemicals. By doing this, you are changing the structure of your hair and making it more vulnerable to damage.

10. Drink lots of water

Drink plenty of good-quality water. Drink bottled water, or have a filter installed under your sink. Drink at least four to eight cups a day to stay hydrated and grow healthy hair.

Hair that would be our crowning glory! Unfortunately, hair fall has become a nagging problem nowadays. Hair loss is a common issue that affects millions around the world. Though it is painless, it can be a distressing experience to lose hair on a daily basis, considering that women associate hair with beauty. No one wants to go bald (men accept it as a natural result of aging) or look old at a young age.
      How many times have you seen your comb or brush covered with hair and worried?

Hair fall can even occur while oiling or shampooing. According to beauty experts, it is normal to lose about 100 strands of hair in a day. Beyond this count, it may be considered as severe hair fall.
Before we get into the causes, there are a few major myths about hair loss in women that are very prevalent. Allow us to dispel them first.

                                                 Myths Concerning Hair Fall

Myth 1

There Is Something Genetically Wrong With You 
Let’s us make this very clear. Having hair loss doesn’t indicate that there is something wrong within your two ‘X’ chromosomes. You are still completely a woman, and you need to keep believing in that.

Myth 2

Washing Your Hair Too Often

The next time someone gives this to you as a reason, please feel free to laugh at them. Hair wash, when done unnecessarily, can cause dryness and brittleness, but it certainly isn’t the cause for the extensive hair loss you are experiencing.

Myth 3


No brushing doesn’t make you bald. It will make your hair frizzy if you brush too much but you won’t go bald. That is a given. But it Is definitely not going to rip the hair of your head so calm down about that.

Myth 4

Coloring And Hair Treatments

We all like to have some fun with our hairstyles. So we color and perm and straighten as and when we want. Keep at it. It is not going cause you to develop extreme hair loss unless you’re already prone to it.

Myth 5

Shaving Your Head

Shave your head if you please. But if you’re expecting your hair to be thicker when it grows, you will be disappointed.
Explaining the reasons for hair fall will need us to take a small detour into the different stages of hair growth. So bear with us for just a little bit more, please.

                                                    Stages In Hair Growth

Hair growth has some stages. Just like any other biological thing, so no surprises there. The growth cycle alternates between two stages, the anagen, and the telogen.

Stage 1: Anagen

This is the phase when the hair grows out from the follicles, and the shaft is continuously constructed for the length to increase. This phase lasts about three years in most people. So it is viewed as the growth phase.

Stage 2: Telogen

This is the second and last phase i.e. the resting phase wherein the hair stops growing and is just there until the new hair growing out of the same follicle doesn’t push it out. And therefore the name, the resting phase.

It is a part of the cycle where about 15 to 20% of your hair is always in resting but due to certain factors. Sometimes a significant chunk of your hair that shouldn’t be resting jumps to the resting phase, and this is what results in hair loss or hair fall.

As we have already mentioned before, hair loss happens to both men and woman alike. They only difference lies in the pattern. So let’s now move on to the patterns and the causes of hair fall and loss in women. Yes, we are finally here!

                                Patterns Of Hair Fall – Types Of Hair Loss

Pattern 1: Telogen Effluvium

If you’re a woman and have been experiencing a sudden loss of hair on your scalp and all over the body, then you have the very common telogen effluvium.

Telogen Effluvium is a type of hormonal imbalance. A sudden hormonal imbalance can be triggered due to several health conditions like major surgery, pregnancy, stress, and rapid weight gain or weight loss. This type of hair loss may not lead to baldness necessarily. However, one will experience massive hair loss while brushing, shampooing, or washing the hair.

The hormonal imbalance may also be a consequence of certain medications. Medicines falling under the category of antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and beta-blockers are likely to cause excessive hair loss. During such a medical condition, the hair follicles shift to the ‘resting’ phase from the ‘growing’ phase. Consequently, new hair stops growing all of a sudden. Quite naturally, the dearth of hair is not fulfilled properly, as the hair follicle shifts to a resting phase.

Pattern 2: Androgenic Alopecia

This is a pattern that is affected by the hormonal levels in the body. This is caused by an enzyme DHT that is released by the androgen in both men and women. This leads to the thinning of the hair follicles over a period and generally happens with age. The thinning pattern, however, is different in women. They don’t show a receding hair line but overall thinning over the scalp but mostly over the top and sides.

                                                 What Causes Hair Fall?

               Here is a list of reasons for sudden hair loss in women especially.

1. Hereditary Factors

The most common cause leading to premature baldness is the hormones. It is mainly a hereditary condition that is known as male-pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. Continuous researches made on hair fall have proved that certain sex hormones, both in men and women cause a particular type of permanent hair loss. This pattern is, however, more susceptible in men. Typically, the signs of this kind of hair loss may begin from the days of puberty. While hair thinning is the initial symptom, this may end with premature baldness within the 30’s. This may be marked under the category of hereditary disorders. If your father or grandfather had a history of baldness, you are more susceptible to premature baldness.

2. Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes in the body increase the sensitivity of hair follicles, weaken hair roots and cause the hair strands to fall. Menopause, Ovarian cyst, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, etc. bring about changes in the hormonal balance. This eventually leads to hair loss.

3. Pregnancy

Most women, during, and post pregnancy, experience frequent dehydration, fatigue and hormonal imbalance. This causes increased sensitivity of the hair and follicles. It also creates dryness of the scalp. All of these factors together lead to chronic hair fall.

4. Physical And Mental Stress

Persistent illness, drastic and excessive weight loss and extreme physical labor can cause the body to get dehydrated and exhausted. This can make the hair follicles undernourished and weak and cause rapid hair loss.

5. Scalp Infection

Fungal, bacterial and viral infections like seborrhea dermatitis, psoriasis, ringworm infection in the scalp can weaken the roots. This damages the hair follicles, thereby causing thinning, breakage and hair fall.

6. Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is the name of an autoimmune disease that tends to trigger the hair follicles. More than 8 million people in the world are affected by this disorder every year. The cause of this particular disorder is still unexplained. However, some experts perceive that exhaustion, stress, and other health disorders may be a cause of this particular type of baldness. The patients of alopecia Areata tend to experience partial hairlessness, which may eventually lead to a baldhead. Men are more prone to this disorder.

7. Medication And Treatments

Certain medical conditions call for treatments and surgeries that help to cure the ailment. While these treat your condition, their side effects can often damage the hair follicles and cause rapid hair fall. Treatments like chemotherapy to treat cancer, intake of steroids and medication for typhoid, heart diseases, depression, etc. are known to be responsible for extreme hair fall, to the extent of causing baldness.

8. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is probably the most prominent factor often causing premature baldness or extreme hair loss. Both the abnormal thyroid conditions naming hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism might lead to such a consequence. In addition to hair loss, imbalance of thyroid hormone might cause other physical disorders as well. Some of the common conditions include fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, constipation, chronic depression, and mood swings. Fortunately, hair loss due to thyroid imbalance can be controlled by medication.

9. Hairstyling

Excessive shampooing, dyeing, stressful styling, applying chemical products, heat styling and using other hair treatment tools can damage and weaken the hair and thus cause hair fall.

10. Iron Deficiency, Anaemia And Blood Loss

Deficiency of red blood cells in the body or anemia, sudden loss of blood and insufficiency of iron in the body causes fatigue, weakness, headache and hair loss.

11. Crash Diets And Malnutrition

Insufficient intake of nutrients and following an unhealthy and unbalanced diet can cause malnourishment in the body. This leads to dehydration of the scalp and hair, and can trigger excessive hair fall.

12. Chemotherapy

Hair loss due to chemotherapy is the worst side effect of chemo treatments. Chemotherapy affects all the cells in your body, thus causing thinning or falling of the hair.

13. Over treating Your hair

Nothing goes unnoticed, and If you have been over treating your hair, you will see the signs. Don’t overdo straightening and styling!

                                             Top Causes Of Premature Hair Loss

The commonly noticed causes of premature hair fall vary from person to person. Sometimes, external causes like environmental pollution are equally responsible for drastic hair loss. Nevertheless, some serious medical conditions are the fundamental factors leading to premature baldness in most of the patients. Check out some of the top factors that might cause premature hair loss in women and men.

  • Breakage of hair due to medicinal treatments, hair twisting, or hair shaft abnormalities

  • Skin disorders and infections causing scars and wounds to the hair follicles

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Hormonal imbalance, such as fluctuations in the thyroid hormone, and too much testosterone

  • Deficiency of iron and zinc

  • Deficiency of vitamins like Vitamin B or Biotin and other vitamins

  • Certain medications like laser therapy, beta blockers, or chemotherapy

  • Sexually transmitted infections such as Syphilis

  • Surgery, childbirth, or any major ailment

  • Types Of Drugs That May Lead To Thinning Hair Include

                                                   Onothere Once
1. Anticoagulants

2. Diet pills

3. Birth control pills

4. Thyroid medicines

5. Chemotherapy

6. Aspirin and other types of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

7. Aleve or ibuprofen

8. Gemfibrozil, clofibrate, and other cholesterol medicines

9. Ulcer medications such as ranitidine, famotidine, etc.

Major Symptoms Of Female Pattern Baldness

Female pattern baldness is strikingly different from the male pattern baldness. The primary symptoms of female pattern baldness include the following:

Hair thinning in female pattern baldness is observed mainly on the top and on the crown area. Balding starts with the widening of the center hair part.

The front hairline remains unaffected in most patients.

The hair loss may be acute, but it does not lead to complete or near total baldness, as it does in men

More hair loss due to bathing and combing

If you are stressed out due to some reason, consider doing meditation, yoga or deep breathing exercises as they help in hair fall control. Also, make it a point to get adequate sleep every night.

Any underlying medical issue should be taken care of to avoid severe hair fall that can lead to baldness. Thyroid issues is a common problem affecting many women, and this condition may result in rapid hair fall. So consider getting a thyroid test done after consulting your doctor.

                                                         Diagnosis And Tests

Female pattern baldness is diagnosed based on certain parameters. They are:

Ruling out other factors leading to hair loss

The pattern and appearance of hair loss

Medical history of the patient

Experts look into the symptoms of excessive male hormones like androgen, while diagnosing female pattern baldness. These symptoms include the following.

Abnormal hair growth on the face and between the belly button and pubic area

Enlargement of the clitoris and abnormal changes in menstrual periods

Acne and pimples

A skin biopsy is often undertaken in addition to other blood examinations to diagnose certain skin disorders that might affect hair loss.

                      Now, let us look at some easy tips on how to stop hair fall:

Evaluate the extent of the problem first.

Find the areas where hair thinning is most prominent.

Try to monitor how much hair you lose whenever you comb or shampoo.

Check with your physician whether any other medical condition is the reason for hair thinning. Discuss problems like infection, lupus, blood pressure, diabetes, etc.

A wide-toothed comb should ideally be used to detangle the hair gently and then the regular fine-toothed comb may be used to style the hair as per one’s need. This will reduce the risk of hair breakage and hair fall while combing.

It is best not to comb the hair while it is wet as this leads to greater chances of hair breakage and fall. Let it be dry or semi-dry before combing.

Do not rub your hair vigorously with the towel. This will only lead to unwanted hair breakage. Use the towel instead to gently soak out the excess moisture.

Clean your combs every week. If you look closely, you will see that combs become dirty over time; so they need to be cleaned with a brush, soap, and water as using a dirty comb continuously can lead to hair fall as well. You can do this easily while taking a bath or shampooing each week. This is a necessary precaution to take for hair fall control.

Hot oil treatment is one of the best answers to address the problem of hair fall!

The tradition of oiling the hair to enhance and retain its natural beauty hails from ancient India.

Instead of opting for an expensive parlor treatment, it is best to use natural products that are safe, produce no side effects and are also effective.

Natural oils such as coconut, olive, canola, jojoba, sesame, etc. can be used to massage the scalp for countering hair fall and encouraging new hair growth. You have to warm the oil of your choice by heating it. Ensure that it’s not too hot but bearable. Gently massage your scalp using your fingers or a cotton ball. Next, wear a shower cap, leave it on for about 1 hour and rinse off using a mild shampoo.

                Here is a detailed post on how hot oil massage prevents hair loss.

As we know, hair fall problems can be related to the scalp – issues such as dandruff, dryness, and flakiness, etc. With a natural hot oil treatment twice every week, the blood circulation in the scalp area can be stimulated, causing the hair follicles to stay active. Hair loss can be countered through deep conditioning and eliminating these scalp issues, and, at the same time, your hair receives the much-needed nourishment and care that will help in strengthening and making it beautiful.

Try to switch to shampoos that are sulfate, silicone and paraben-free to avoid loading the scalp and hair with harsh chemicals that damage the hair, making it brittle and more prone to breakage. Controlling the chemical damage is certainly a sure shot way to ensure hair loss prevention.

A few such products are available from brands like The Body Shop, Soul Tree, Rustic Art, Organic Surge, The Nature’s Co., etc.

Wash your hair at least every three days with a gentle hair cleanser or shampoo to remove all the accumulated dust, dirt, oil and bacteria build up. Keep it clean at all times to avoid hair fall due to an unclean scalp and infections. This is a necessary step to follow as an answer to how to prevent hair fall.

                                             Other Simple Tips To Stop Hair Loss

If you have been wondering what more you can do in your quest to control hair fall, here are few more suggestions.

Do not subject your hair to frequent chemical treatments, excessive blow drying, ironing and coloring as these can lead to hair loss.

Hairstyles such as wearing tight ponytails, pigtails or braids on a daily basis, using elastics and rubber bands to pull back hair tightly, can cause hair fall.

You can drink natural juices to counter hair fall. An ingredient from our kitchen that can effectively help to tackle hair fall problems is the good old onion.

Avoid crash diets.

Resort to natural hair care remedies and hair packs.

Eliminate dandruff and other scalp infections by using anti-dandruff shampoo and medication.

Practice yoga and meditation to relieve stress and tension.

Resort to mild medication.

Consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider in time for appropriate treatments to cure hair fall issues.

Minoxidil can be found in Rogaine for women. This solution can be applied topically. This may cure hair loss in young women. This has to be used daily as stopping this can give rise to the problem again.

Hair restoration systems are a bonding method. In this, hair is attached to your scalp.

You can use wigs if you suffer from a lot of hair loss.

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure. In this method, hair follicles are taken from the neck area and transplanted on the hair.

Provillus for women is a DHT blocker that works in some young women who have been suffering from severe hair loss.

It is a fantastic natural remedy to fight hair fall and also effectively increase the hair growth.

Eat healthy to minimize and prevent hair fall. Give importance to a balanced diet to counter hair loss; this is one of the best ways to avoid hair fall. Nutritional deficiencies in the body are one of the leading causes of hair loss.


A couple of simple exercises, especially those which can be performed on an inversion table, are extremely helpful for increasing the blood flow to the scalp and promoting better hair growth. Excessive hair loss can often be a result of heredity, bad diets, and stress. It is this last that exercise helps in reducing.

Stress-busting workouts induce greater production of sebum, which is an oily substance the scalp produces to moisten hair and prevent its drying out. Postures and exercises which allow you to invert your head are particularly useful in stimulating the cells of the scalp to utilize the greater oxygen carried by increased blood flow, to produce more sebum.

                                              External application of substances

There have been reams and reams of paper dedicated to how oiling your hair overnight can make a difference. Well, it is true. Though you may not like the idea of having the sticky substance rubbed onto your scalp, application of oils like almond, coconut, castor seeds among others can help your hair in the long term. Leaving your hair oiled overnight provides enough time for each strand to be coated and for the nourishment of the scalp. Dandruff and dead cells are loosened by the movement of your fingers, and can be removed easily with shampoo the next day.

If you are not keen on the idea of oiling your hair overnight, you can always apply oil an hour before bathing. Warm oils are preferred because they can penetrate into the pores of the scalp more easily and increases the flow of blood in the area. Make sure that you get each strand and particularly in the base of each strand. Strengthening the roots of your hair is all that is needed for long, shiny and gorgeous hair.
                                                  Can You shampoo every day?

Whether shampooing every day is a good idea or not has been a question that has vexed people for years. Well, you finally have an answer. Mild shampoos don’t affect your hair much. All they do is cleanse your scalp and hence you can shampoo every day. However, sometimes, stronger shampoos contain chemicals which may harm your hair. Thus, it is imperative that you have a good look at what elements constitute your shampoo before applying it. The same logic applies to conditioners. These form a coating around each strand of hair allowing them to appear glossy and nourished. They prevent the drying of hair and can be used every day. But neither shampoo nor a conditioner will repair damaged hair or promote greater production of hair. For that, more internal and intangible factors come into play.


Iron-rich foods that are rich in zinc, Vitamins A, B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, and proteins should be consumed. These foods help to overcome these deficiencies, add moisture to your hair, leading to a healthier scalp, lesser hair fall, and fewer split ends and, at the same time, give you hair that is thick and strong. This is a long-term and effective way to cure hair fall.

Consider adding more of these to your diet – carrots, oats, whole grains, brown rice, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, lentils, sweet potatoes, pumpkin seeds, oysters, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, flaxseed oil (Linseed oil) or grounded flaxseeds, fish such as salmon and tuna that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, eggs, beans, yogurt, low-fat cheese.

What we eat plays an important role in how our hair is affected. Increased intake of fruits and vegetables, and most importantly, lots of water, is bound to affect hair growth beneficially.

Excessive hair loss causes by increased intake of fatty foods, fizzy drinks, and excessive carbohydrates.

A protein rich diet is needed for increased hair growth, and a diet which is high in Vitamin E and Omega 3, as well as Omega 6 fatty acids, can stop excessive hair fall. These are some of the things you might keep in mind before you bite into your next hamburger.

Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out all harmful toxins from your body.

It may not be possible in all cases to get rid of hair thinning by using the natural means. You need to consult a physician or may have to opt for some advanced treatment to regain hair.

When it comes to hair fall treatments, you would easily get confused which to follow. Stores are flooding with anti hair fall products each claiming to be the best. Avoid such confusion and consult a dermatologist for an effective solution. Applying oils and ointments may not come to any use, without proper medication.

To name some of the effective treatments for hair thinning, you can opt for hair implantation. The procedure is also known as hair transplant, which is a popular method for treating hair thinning. This therapeutic intervention often leads to a permanent solution.

Homemade hair masks are an inexpensive and a very useful option when the question is how to control hair fall without exposing your hair to any harmful chemicals. They help to strengthen easily, nourish and beautify your hair with suggested use.

                       DIY homemade hair mask is perfect for combating thinning hair

Ingredients Required

Freshly prepared strong green tea (good quality)

1 egg yolk

How To Prepare

Take 1 egg yolk in a clean bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly prepared green tea to it.

Green tea will be hot, so be careful.

Mix well until such a frothy and creamy consistency is acquired as seen in the image. If it becomes too thick, you can add more green tea to dilute it.
How To Apply

Part your hair from the center and apply this hair mask. Wear a shower cap. Leave this on for about 30 minutes to allow it to complete its course of action. Rinse well followed by a shampoo and conditioner as usual.

Why Is This Useful?

The increasingly popular drink, green tea, is loaded with antioxidants which help in preventing hair fall and boost hair growth. Eggs have been used for hundreds of years to achieve healthy and beautiful hair. Being packed with protein, essential vitamins, and nutrients, the egg yolk is an excellent ingredient for the prevention of hair fall and also for boosting hair growth.

Use this hair mask at least thrice weekly to get rid of brittle hair, dry and damaged hair and hair fall problems.

Simple and easy DIY for arresting hair fall and inducing new hair growth:

Ingredients Required

Almond Oil – 40 ml

Coconut Oil – 40 ml

Castor Oil – 10 ml

Aroma Magic Stimulate Oil – 5 ml

Aroma Magic Lavender Oil – 5ml

Vitamin E capsules – 3 capsules

This is to make a 100 ml mixture. You will also require an empty bottle for storing it and a measuring cap to take the required quantities.

                                                  How To Prepare

1. Mix the above-mentioned quantities of Almond, Coconut and Castor oil.

2. Now add 5ml each of Stimulate Oil and Lavender Oil.

3. Slit open and squeeze 3 Vitamin E capsules into the mixture.

4. Shake the mixture well and store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight.

                                                      How To Apply

Massage on the entire scalp and hair for about 10 minutes on alternate days.

Leave overnight and wash off with shampoo.

Use this remedy for hair fall with patience and I am sure you will see the results very soon.

This is one of the most commonly used treatments for hair loss. Not only is this a relaxing experience, but hair spa treatment also has a lot of benefits as listed below:

It is meant to deep condition the hair, treat split ends and repair dry, damaged and dull hair as well as remove dandruff that is another cause of hair fall.

It provides essential nourishment to the hair roots, fortifies the hair follicles and revitalizes the scalp, thus making way for newer hair growth and countering hair fall.

It prevents scalp aging and stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp area through the massage, helps in maintaining clean scalp and hair, thus leading to healthier hair and reduced to no hair fall.

It also brings a welcome relief from stress and tension.

Many beauty parlors and hair salons offer hair spa therapy, and it is wonderful to indulge yourself in this treatment once or twice a month to combat hair fall and get bouncy, smooth and beautiful hair. Charges will, of course, vary from one parlor to the other.

This is one of the most effective, FDA-approved and commonly prescribed medications from doctors worldwide for arresting hair fall and treating alopecia-related problems.

Last but not Least :

Apart from being a versatile culinary favourite with Indian women, ghee aka butter is also packed to the brim with ample beauty benefits, especially for your hair. While it health quotient might still be under some amount of debate, here are the many ways in which you can use it to treat your hair…

Desi Ghee Benefits For Hair:

  • Desi ghee benefits are very well known in Ayurveda. Ghee is known to be amazing for your skin, hair and health. Not only externally but Ghee when taken internally also benefits your body. But ensure you make ghee at home and don’t use a processed one!
  • Desi ghee can stimulate hair growth and also help in baldness when used regularly
  • It is extremely moisturizing and helps combat dry hair. It leaves your hair very soft and moisturized.
  • Ghee also treats split ends to some extent and definitely prevents split ends from occurring. Yes, ghee when used on split ends almost cures it.
  • It makes hair really soft, shiny and frizz free. Because of the moisturizing and healing properties desi ghee when used imparts a beautiful glow to your hair.
  • When used as a massage on your head, it also calms your senses and reduces stress
  • Ghee, also increases blood circulation and hence directly affects on the quality of your hair

How to Use Ghee for Hair?

  • Melt ghee on a Pan and add curry leaves to it (optional)
  • Let it cool a little and massage your hair for 10-15 minutes
  • Leave it on for 2 hours minimum or overnight and wash it off normally the next day.

Australian baby spa opened by 2 Indians are Viral on Internet

Australian baby spa opened by 2 Indians are Viral on Internet.

A long day of sleeping, crying, eating, puking, pooping and being cute can get really exhausting. After all, being a baby is not an easy job! Everyone is pulling your cheeks, tugging at your cute little bottom and making weird noises, all in the effort to make you laugh. So, what does one do when things get too tiring? Well, a day at the spa can make even babies feel rejuvenate!!

Sometimes all a baby needs is a relaxing bath after spending a long day eating, burping, crying, and pooping. You have got to admit, it can be quite taxing.

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Friday 24 March 2017

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Other than strong storytelling skills, the only other qualifications, according to the listing Travel with facebook, are that you are a “luxury connoisseur” over the age of 18 who “understands the hospitality industry” (e.g., won’t just watch Bravo in your room the whole time). 

Oh, and you’ve got to have a valid passport. While no pets are allowed on the job, a friend or partner is, as long as your plus-one pays his or her own way. Seriously, does it get any dreamier?

If you’re wondering why the Nashville, Tennessee–based company didn’t just find a blogger or social media influencer that fit the bill and reach out directly instead of posting the job for all to see, you’ve got to think of the listing not as a simple HR posting, but as a piece of highly sneaky guerrilla marketing.

 A display ad is one thing, but getting people to actively imagine what it would be like to stay in these incredible properties? That’s clever on a whole other level. We dare you to explore Thirdhome’s properties and not imagine landing the gig.

             Tour or Travelling the world        Travelling   

Transform Your Body in Just 4 Weeks

Transform Your Body in Just 4 Weeks.

Healthy Body

To get you in shape, everyone have come up with some simple exercises that will change how you look in as little as four weeks. You won’t have to go to the gym or buy any special equipment — all you need is determination and ten minutes a day.

Healthy Body

A plank is a static exercise, which means you don’t need to move while doing it, but simply hold your body in the correct position instead. To do it right, follow the example shown in the picture and prop yourself on your elbows, forearms, and forefeet. It’s important to keep your back perfectly straight without your waist lowered or your bottom upraised. If you don’t have difficulties keeping your body in the elbow plank, then something’s not right. While in this position, the muscles that keep you straight are being worked, such as the abs, arm muscles, back, and anterior thigh muscles.
Hhealthy Body


To do a correct push-up, assume the plank as the initial position, and then push yourself up with your arms. The most important thing is to keep your back, bottom, and legs in a straight line — this will strain your abs as well as your arms. The next step is to return to the initial position as slowly as possible.
Healthy Body

Toning your thigh and bottom muscles

Squatting is all about balance — put your feet shoulder-width apart and stand on the soles of your feet. Then, begin squatting as if slowly sitting down on a low imaginary chair. Your knees and feet should form a straight line. Try to pull the small of your back in as far as you can. You may also help keep your balance by stretching your arms out in front of you, as shown in the picture. When you are down, start pushing yourself up as slowly as you can. 
Healthy Body

Ab exercises

Abs and buttocks


Healthy Body

Credit :

Saturday 18 March 2017

Which oil is best for Heart

                  Which oil is best for Heart !! 
 Healthy Living
Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are the world's number one killers, claiming 17.5 million lives a year globally.

Confused about fats and oils?

Everyone has an opinion about which fat is best.  But with the press changing their minds every week no wonder we get confused.

                                          So we help you to fit your heart with easy routine .

 Healthy Living

Always choose a spread that is made from unsaturated fats like rapeseed, olive and sunflower:
•    Want to lose weight?  Choose a low fat or light spread
•    Want to reduce cholesterol?  Consider a cholesterol lowering spread
AVOID or Use Sparingly: Butter, ghee, dripping, hard margarine, soft butters 
Drizzle oil on your salad but keep portions modest.  Always choose an oil based dressing:
•    For more flavour – virgin olive and rapeseed oils
•    For a lower calorie version - try a vinaigrette made with a seed or nut oil
•    If you like mayonnaise choose a light version   
Avoid:  Ranch, Ceasar and other creamy dressings
   Need a yellow spread? Use a 60% spread made from rapeseed, sunflower or olive oil
•    Some cholesterol lowering spreads can be used in baking - check packs for details
•    Got a recipe that calls for an oil – use sunflower oil with its mild flavour 
Avoid or Use Sparingly: Butter, hard margarine, ghee, soft butters, suet, lard
 Healthy Living

Frying, roasting, grilling, barbecues ?
Certain oils and fats are more suited to different kinds of cooking. When cooking at high temperatures you really need to use oils that have:
•    A high smoke point
•    Are more stable at high temperatures
Finally BBC UK Research proved that the Olive oil is best for all time and cut the risk factor of Heart Disease by 3 to 5 %  normally. 

So What should you Choose ; 

        •  Healthy Living
        • Mustard Oil.
        • Canola Oil.
        • Olive Oil.
        • Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
        • Rice Bran Oil.
        • Avocado Oil.
        • Sesame Oil.
        • Grapeseed Oil.  

We have Proof Not in Indian Scientific Reason but also behalf of UK Report,

rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, is a major component of the Mediterranean diet.

Olive oil is a fat obtained from the fruit of the Olea europaea (olive tree), a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean region, where whole olives are pressed to produce olive oil.
The oil is used in cosmetics, medicine, cooking and soaps, and was also used as a fuel for traditional lamps. Although originating in the Mediterranean countries, today it is used worldwide.

     The nutritional value of 100g (3.5oz) of olive oil

  • En
    ergy - 3,701 kJ (885 kcal)
    Carbohydrates - 0 g
    Fat - 100 g.
    - saturated 14 g
    - monounsaturated 73 g
    - polyunsaturated 11 g
    - omega-3 fat <1.5 g
    - omega-6 fat 3.5-21 g
    Protein - 0 g
    Vitamin E - 14 mg (93% of recommended daily intake for adults)
    Vitamin K - 62 μg (59% of recommended daily intake for adults).
Yes there is very effective rate of reducing heart problem  after using olive oil ,
You can Read full Research on ;


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